Aug 2nd, 2024

PUT vs. POST: Choosing the Right Method for Creating Resources in REST APIs

When designing REST APIs, one challenge is deciding whether to use PUT or POST to create resources. Both methods can be used for resource creation, but they serve different purposes. Understanding these differences can help you in making the right choice for your API.

Understanding PUT and POST

When deciding between PUT and POST you should start by asking yourself: "On what resource is the action performed on?".

With POST you perform the action on a list of resources.

POST /accounts/cats
POST /accounts/cats

A POST request will apend a new resource to the existing list of /cats. It is the servers job to assign an identifier to the the newly created resource.

When we use PUT, we perform the action on a specific resource. We use the URL to provide an identier of the resource <cat_name>.

PUT /accounts/cats/<cat_name>
PUT /accounts/cats/<cat_name>

As you can see, both PUT and POST can be used to create cat records but your API should probably only support one OR the other.

POST Method

POST request are not inherently idempotent. Multiple identical POST requests can result in multiple resources being created. Imagine the following scenario: Due to a network failure the response to a POST request is lost. Since the client never saw the response it assumes the resource was not created and submits another POST request creating another resource.

While this might not be a problem for some apps, this is troublesome if we're dealing with critical resources like payments or purchases.

PUT Method

The PUT method is used to create OR overwrite a resource at a specific URL.

PUT is defined to assume idempotency. Sending two identical PUT request to a server should have no additional effect. Only one resource will be created. The second request will simply update the resource with identical values. Idempotency is a helpful property in many scenarios.

However, you will have to ensure that PUT-idempotency is implemented correctly on the server.

Comparison: PUT vs. POST

Use PUT if you want to define the URL of the resource explicitly. This gives you control over where the resource is created or updated. PUT is ideal for situations where you want to ensure that repeated requests do not produce different outcomes. This is beneficial in scenarios like synchronizing data across distributed systems, where retries should not lead to duplicate entries. This makes PUT an excellent choice for resource creation and updates where stability and consistency are critical.

With PUT, you must ensure that your server properly implements idempotency. This involves checking if the resource exists and either updating or creating it as necessary.

Use POST if you prefer the server to assign the URL, which is common when adding resources to a collection.


Choosing between PUT and POST for creating resources in REST APIs depends on the specific use case and desired server behavior. By understanding the differences, especially the idempotency of PUT, you can make informed decisions that enhance your API's reliability and functionality. Use PUT when you need idempotency and control over resource URLs, and POST when you prefer server-managed URLs and need to handle unique, non-idempotent operations.

Further Reading


RFC-7231 - PUT Definition

RFC-7231 - POST Definition

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