Sep 10th, 2024

Why Generating OpenAPI Specifications from Code Is a Bad Idea

API contracts, like OpenAPI, TypeSpec, or AsyncAPI, define the communication between servers and clients. They define URL paths, request bodies, responses, parameters, authentication, and more.

Most contract formats describe RESTful APIs since frameworks like GraphQL or gRPC have fixed contract formats baked into their tooling.

To be clear, you don't need an API contract for your RESTful API: They are awesome but optional.

When done right, API contracts prevent entire categories of bugs. What is more, you can generate...

  • API Documentation
  • SDKs and client libraries
  • Test stubs and mocks

... directly from your API contracts.

However, to materialize the benefits of API contracts, you need to create - and maintain - them. And here the software world is split into two camps.

Generate OpenAPI Specifications From Code

In the first camp, we find fans of the Code-First Approach.

Most modern languages offer open-source tools to generate OpenAPI specifications from server-side code. For this to work, the code is annotated with symbols that are translated into OpenAPI directives.

export class CreateCatDto { // typescript example
name: string;
age: number;
breed: string;
export class CreateCatDto { // typescript example
name: string;
age: number;
breed: string;

Manually Create OpenAPI Specifications

In the second camp, people write and maintain OpenAPI specifications by hand or with the help of tools like API-Fiddle, Swagger Next Editor, or Spotlight.

Why The Code-First Approach Is Tempting

At first glance, the Code-First Approach offers many advantages. The tight coupling between server code and contract ensures the contract is never out-of-date. This makes the Code-First Approach seem more automated than manually keeping track of changes—lastly, version control systems for our code offer built-in governance mechanisms when using the Code-First Approach.

But wait! Wasn’t the whole point of this post to discourage you from generating OpenAPI contracts from code? You're right, let’s look at the downsides.

Why You Probably Shouldn’t Generate OpenAPI Contracts From Code

Let’s explore where we might run into problems with the Code-First Approach.

Can we please not expose personal data?

As stated above, OpenAPI contracts are meant to be just that: Contracts.

When you generate an OpenAPI file directly from server code, every mistake in your server-side code will propagate to the API contract. This defeats the purpose of having a contract in the first place!

Errors in the Code-First Approach can be costly. Not only are they easy to miss in code reviews, but they often propagate into SDKs and API documentation, where they are easily exploited.

How likely is this to happen? It’s likely enough for "excess data exposure" to rank third on the OWASP API Vulnerabilities List. In the past, this has caused sleepless nights for PR teams at companies like Twitter (200M emails stolen) and Opus (10M user records stolen).

API contracts are our best defense against excess data exposure (especially when combined with gateways that take them as input), but they are only effective when not auto-generated from code.

Our contracts should be generated and reviewed separately to bind our server-side code to our contracts - not the other way around.

Don't believe me? This talk from Philippe De Ryck may convince you!

Code-First Generation of API Contracts Gatekeeps the API Design Process

Designing APIs is not a mystical craft. Yet, it is often seen as such by content writers, product managers, and front-end engineers.

The Code-First Approach does not foster a culture where API design is interdisciplinary. As a result, unnecessary friction is added to the development process. Here are two examples:

  • A new full-stack project doesn't start with an API contract since it can only be generated from code once the backend is fully implemented. This leads to unilateral changes to the API definition during development. Major rework is required when integrating the front and back-end.
  • Content writers are unable to improve API error messages because backend engineers gatekeep the API implementation and contract.

To remove this gatekeeping, engineers, content writers, product managers, and executives should be able to contribute to the API contract. However, this is next to impossible if API contracts live in highly contextual backend codebases.

You’re Just Not Going to Get There!

Let’s talk about the quality of API contracts. Discussions about quality can be tricky because quality is - of course - subjective and often not as critical as some claim.

However, when it comes to API contracts, the story is different. The difference between a good and bad contract is not just about pedanticism and bikeshedding. Bad API contracts often translate into bad API documentation and a worse user experience.

While experiences vary, it’s unlikely that you will end up with a high-quality API contract from code annotations alone.

Like code, API contracts should adhere to best practices, use reusable components, follow style guides, and include extensive descriptions. Code annotation tools make it very, very hard to use any of these features effectively.

Let’s take a look at Asana's OpenAPI contract as an example of a professional-grade API contract. Asana is a popular productivity tool. One of its products is its public API.

Look at the number of reused components and parameters that add a high degree of consistency to the API contract. My palms get sweaty just thinking about implementing and maintaining such an API contract through code annotations alone.

Where's Your Home, Contract?

You may ignore the points above and opt for the Code-First Approach regardless. Let me take you down the rabbit hole...

After code-first generation your openapi.yaml file is located in the root directory of your server codebase.

Next, you want to generate API documentation from your API contract. To achieve this you either have to move your openapi-file into a separate repository or add all the documentation code (an entirely separate repository) to your backend code.

For simplicity, you choose to colocate the documentation code with your backend code. This is messy but aligns with your philosophy about tightly coupling implementation and contract code.

Next, your front-end wants to consume the contract to generate a client. Your options are:

  • Move the frontend into the same repo (monorepo style)
  • Push the OpenAPI file to a separate repository where it can be consumed by the front-end.
  • Generate a client library from your backend code and publish it as an SDK to a registry.

Things are now much more complex than they need to be. All for the simple goal of having a contract that all parties can consume easily.

And we haven't even talked about Gateways yet. They need to combine multiple definitions from multiple places. Ouch.

My point is this: The root of your backend repository does not make a great home for your contract. While you can work around this, you may end up in a more complex situation than anticipated.

Final Words

Generating OpenAPI files from your server code might seem like a good idea at first, but it introduces unnecessary risks down the line. Additionally, the chance of exposing sensitive data due to server-side mistakes is concerning. By managing your API contracts separately, you keep them secure, reliable, and thoroughly reviewed.

You may have noticed that this post - while featuring my honest opinion - is also a sales pitch for the tool we’re building. Although we’re not quite there yet, we hope to provide a secure and scalable home for API contracts in the near future.

You can sign up to try API-Fiddle. We'll keep you in the loop as we're launching new features.

We were fed up with unclear API definitions and bad APIs

So we created a better way. API-Fiddle is an API design tool with first-class support for DTOs, versioning, serialization, suggested response codes, and much more.